
I love puzzles. It’s incredibly satisfying to watch an image grow as little pieces slot in together, accumulating meaning that they didn’t possess on their own. The collage process is similar. Each little scrap of paper culled for color or pattern has no context on its own. The scraps are one step away from the recycling bin; if they flutter away in the wind, they just become litter and are easily replaced. But when they’re glued down with other pieces and a new image surfaces, suddenly they’re necessary and irreplaceable.

Because each collage is made from hundreds of little pieces and are like puzzles in themselves, I’ve played around with turning them into actual jigsaw puzzles. They’re great! They’re challenging, but there’s enough variation that they’re totally doable. The big problem, though, was always price. Print on demand pricing is designed for the end retail customer, not for an artist to resell, so my margin was basically nothing.

But I found a small batch wholesale manufacturer online and their quality is fantastic! The pieces come in a ziploc bag, the box is sturdy, the pieces are strong, and there’s a clear, helpful reference image on the cover.


To have them made, I need to order 64 and I can include up to 4 different images within the order. Here are the images that would work in order of my favorite options.

puzzle options.jpg

Help me decide which ones to make!! Are you a puzzler or know someone who is? Tell me: which you would buy? Retail would be $30.

What happened to licensing

Ugh. Not only is my studio completely packed up and unusable while we do (very exciting!!) construction in our house, but bothof my art licensing talks fell through. One just kind of ghosted me and stopped returning my emails. That was ok, because that was the company I was less enthusiastic about working with. The real bummer was the wall art licensing company. I asked an attorney and an art coach to review their contract, compiled their suggestions and sent back my revisions. The company finally got back to me and said I seemed too scared of the process to be a good fit for them. ?! It was pretty devastating.

For a day.

I only give disappointments like that 24 hours to be the worst thing ever. After that, I have to figure out what makes them the BEST thing ever. The best thing in this case is dodging the bullet of a bad contract...